Thursday, September 30, 2010

Career Choices

Hi, My name is Becca, and I have a goal to become a Glider Pilot when I am older, simply because I have a really good experience and when I went in to Air Cadets I always what to become a Glider Pilot and I now what to do. My back up is to contiues in Air Cadets and become a Captain because I will make people happy and talk to people and tell what cadets is about and how fun it is.
So when is comes I can see myself becoming a glider pilot.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Career Life Project

Hi, My is Rebecca, I am also in Mr.Maksymchuk's Grade 12 Essentials Math Class. Yesterday we had Ms. Brabour-Stevenson come in and talked to use the Life Career Project so we now better stuff and are projects are due on Sept 30 because there is no school on Friday.

Today's Scribe is Ian.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Career Choices.

For my career choices, I have chosen to become a nail technician, bartender, or model. Why I chose to become a nail technician, is for the beauty. I'm all about fashion. From studs to glitter. I love making people see themself differently, and making your nails beautiful with all the different colors, designs, and lengths makes a girl, even guys, feel better about themself. They either see something beautiful about themself after getting the set or manicure/pedicure, whichever one they come in for, or even adding another feature to themself to express their inner personality, makes them feel beautiful. Everytime I get my nails done, it's something new and exciting. You can chose whatever you want, from any design, and express yourself, as I said. That is the reason I chose to become a nail technician. The reason I want to become a bartender, is to gain new skills, and know what drinks to mix and not to mix at parties. To know what's strong and what's not that strong. I have a past that would explain alot, as to why I'm interested in serving alcohol, and getting to know about it. I had a situation in grade four, and in grade eight, with two family member's whom, I almost lost because of alcohol. And ever since that day, I have been curious as to what drinks have what side effects, and how strong they are. I know they're are other ways, to learn about those effects, etc but I want to see it. To see how it effects every individual person. To see what it brings out. Becoming a model, is kind of like the reason I want to become a nail technician. The beauty and fashion. To support designer's ideas, and being able to wear those designs and show them to the world. To show people your inner beauty, and to help other people be successful. Walking down a runway, is every girl's dream. When all eyes are on you. It's like a dream come true to some. It makes you feel beautiful. Heck, it's even guy's dreams too! To become successful like Gisele Bundchen to Tyra Banks. The pay is good, and to fly all over the world, and experience so much, it's definitely living the life. You meet so many people, and so many people look up to you. Gaining more friends and family. That is the reason I want to become a model.
These are the three choices for my future career jobs.
By: Kenzie.

career life project cont.

Hey, My name is kandice, I am also in Mr. Maksymchuk's essentials math class. Yesterday was a pretty much just continuation of yesterday on the career life project, The deadline is still set as thursday September 3oth due to there being no school that friday.

If you happend to be away the links for both websites will be posted as well.

Todays post will be posted by Becca.

Trimmed Mean

A trimmed mean is calculated by discarding a certain percentage of the lowest and the highest scores and then computing the mean of the remaining scores.
A trimmed mean is obviously less susceptible to the effects of extreme scores than is the arithmetic mean. It is therefore less susceptible to sampling fluctuation than the mean for extremely skewed distributions. It is less efficient than the mean for normal distributions.
Trimmed means are often used in Olympic scoring to minimize the effects of extreme ratings possibly caused by biased judges.

Monday, September 27, 2010

My Career Choice!!

My name is Jazz, and i have a goal to become a tattoo artist when im older, simply because i have had hands on experience and through out my whole life iv had a passion for drawing and i like to amaze people with my skills, i also have great communication skills with others and love to make people feel right at home.
My back up career would have to be a Mental Health Nurse, because i like to make people feel safe in the environment that there in and i like to make sure they get every ounce of help they need.
So when it all comes down to it i CAN see myslef being a tattoo artist in ten years and for many more years after that.

Life Career Project: Justification of choices!

Hello my name is Lakota, and i have two careers that i would want to do after high school. I love working with kids from any ages. That is why i want to do something with children. But i also want to work from my own home, but it that isn't possibe then i have a second career that i could do.
The first one is babysit from my own home(Child Care Worker),
The second one would be a day care attendent.

Trimmed Mean

A trimmed mean is calculated by discarding a certain percentage of the lowest and the highest scores and then computing the mean of the remaining scores. For example, a mean trimmed 50% is computed by discarding the lower and higher 25% of the scores and taking the mean of the remaining scores.

Trimmed Mean!!!

A Trimmed mean is calculated by discarding a certain percentage of the lowest and highest scores and then computing the mean of the remaining scores.
A mean trimmed of 50% is computed by discarding the lower and and higher 25% of the scores and taking the mean of the remaining scores.

Weighted Mean Example and Test Review

Hello, my name is Lakota and i am in Mr. Maks grade 12 essentials math class. Today we went over a weighted mean example. We also went over the material for our test that is on friday sept. 24th. The test includeds mean, median, mode, and weighted mean.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Answers to Pratice Question and Weighted Mean

Hi, my name is Becca and I am in Mr. Maksymchuk's Grade 12 Essentials Consumer Math Course. Here the Answers to the Practice Ouestions:

He also showed use how to use Weighted Mean

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Trimmed Mean Example Link

Trimmed Mean Example Link

Weighted Mean Examples

Good morning everyone, my name is Cooke. Today Mr. Maksymchuk taught us about weighted mean. Weighted mean is a bit different from normal mean. In weighted mean if u are trying to find the average of a student, you must divide the scores by the amount of times it occurs. For example, if a student has a few score in a class, you must take all the scores and add them up and then divide by the number that they occur. 79+89+97+86+67+79+79+97+86+67 = 826/10= 82.6%. Hence weighted mean

Life Career Choices

My name is Ian and i would never be able to do a job that i had to sit in a office all day. I like doing things outside and doing manual work. This is why i want to be either a logger or farmer or both.
Logger; own a logging company; be delimber operator
Farmer; grain farmer in the Swan River Valley

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Weighted mean Example

This is the example i found for weighted mean !!!!!!

A teacher might say the test average is 60% of the grade, quiz average is 30% of the grade, and a project is 10% of the grade. Suppose Mary got 90 and 78 on the tests; 100, 100 and 85 on the quizzes; and an 81 on the project. Her course grade would be:
Test average = (90 + 78)/ 2 = 84
Quiz average = (100 + 100 + 85)/3 = 95
Course grade = .60*84 + .30*95 + .10*81 = 87

Weighted Mean Assingment

this example

Monday, September 20, 2010

Practice Questions, and Life Career Project Steps & Deadlines.

Hi, my name is Kenzie, and I am in Mr. Maksymchuk's grade 12 Esstentials Consumer Math Course. Here, we are learning about mean, median, mode and have some practice questions for our test on Friday.

We also talked about our career life projects, and here are our steps to accomplish.

Tomorrow's scribe will be posted by Becca.

Friday, September 17, 2010

central tendacy

Today we learned everything about mean median and mode and played with the pennies. Ex, the pennies were to teach us and to show us how to set up different sets of mean median a mode. We set them up and Mr. Maksymchuk told us to found out as many sets as possible with three piles and they had to equal 9 and have a mean of three.

Todays srcribe will be Kenzie!

Homework and starting on Mean, Median, Mode

Hi my name is Mr. Moshenko, and my first post of grade 12 essentials math with Mr. Maksymchuk is about getting our homework checked and some homework on mean, median, and mode.

Yesterday, Mr. Maksymchuk checked our homework on percentile ranking to see if we had done all eight of the questions that he assigned us then helped us if we had any problems. Mr. Maksymchuk then gave us some homework, due for today, on mean, median and mode.

Thanks for checking my post out and todays scribe is going to be Ian have fun hahaha.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

***Life Career Project Start-Up***

Hey! One of the most useful projects you might do this semester is called the 'Life / Career Project', and it's detailed at least a bit in Chapter 7 of your textbook.

By Monday, please post your #1 and #2 (back-up) career choices. Think carefully about your choices, and they should both answer this combination of questions:

"What will I be doing for a living in 10 years?" and/or "What do I want to be doing for a living in 10 years?"

My First Blog All About Statistics

Hello im Jazz,and as a student blogging today for our grade 12 Essentials Math in Mr.Maksymchuks class we learned a few things about are a few samples of what we have learned.

Mr.Maksymchuk gave us a great speech on babies heads, which was mainly about infaint cranial circumfrence.

This is a quick example about how to find Percentile ranking.

Thank you for reading my first and not the last blog for grade 12 Essentials Math
Well Mr.Moshenko you can be the next one to make an awesome job doing a blog !!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Hello my name is Ian and I'm in math class and Mr. Maksymchuk showed us how to make a blog and how to use it.

How To Scribe For Our Blog

Today, we spent time discussing what makes blog posting the most effective. That is, what is the scribe (that's the person blogging at the time) supposed to do to make learning happen best?

Here are some things we came up with:

Monday, September 13, 2010

Welcome To The First Day of The Rest of Your Life!

This is our class blog. We'll use it to post class notes, questions, images from instruction as well as class recordings. Basically, we'll use this blog to learn from and with each other.

Seriously, welcome!