Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Career Choices.

For my career choices, I have chosen to become a nail technician, bartender, or model. Why I chose to become a nail technician, is for the beauty. I'm all about fashion. From studs to glitter. I love making people see themself differently, and making your nails beautiful with all the different colors, designs, and lengths makes a girl, even guys, feel better about themself. They either see something beautiful about themself after getting the set or manicure/pedicure, whichever one they come in for, or even adding another feature to themself to express their inner personality, makes them feel beautiful. Everytime I get my nails done, it's something new and exciting. You can chose whatever you want, from any design, and express yourself, as I said. That is the reason I chose to become a nail technician. The reason I want to become a bartender, is to gain new skills, and know what drinks to mix and not to mix at parties. To know what's strong and what's not that strong. I have a past that would explain alot, as to why I'm interested in serving alcohol, and getting to know about it. I had a situation in grade four, and in grade eight, with two family member's whom, I almost lost because of alcohol. And ever since that day, I have been curious as to what drinks have what side effects, and how strong they are. I know they're are other ways, to learn about those effects, etc but I want to see it. To see how it effects every individual person. To see what it brings out. Becoming a model, is kind of like the reason I want to become a nail technician. The beauty and fashion. To support designer's ideas, and being able to wear those designs and show them to the world. To show people your inner beauty, and to help other people be successful. Walking down a runway, is every girl's dream. When all eyes are on you. It's like a dream come true to some. It makes you feel beautiful. Heck, it's even guy's dreams too! To become successful like Gisele Bundchen to Tyra Banks. The pay is good, and to fly all over the world, and experience so much, it's definitely living the life. You meet so many people, and so many people look up to you. Gaining more friends and family. That is the reason I want to become a model.
These are the three choices for my future career jobs.
By: Kenzie.

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