Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hey students, Sorry for not being able to post this yesterday I was having a problem with this part of the blogging experience. SO today is wednesday which means we the privilege of taking part in our unit test this coming tuesday, unfortnatly those looking forward to taking part in the 'Credit Union or Interior Decorating & Landscaping Presentaions that tuesday morning for career week will not be able to attend, If you are still intersested in taking part in any other presentations going on Monday November 1st through until Thursday November 4th, Your blue sign up sheets have to be signed and handed into Mr. Maksymchuk or the front office by the end of today.

The computers in Mr.Maksymchuk's classroom have been having trouble staying in the marked spots so they have been ingraved with the correct numbers and are to be returned to their proper spots. Also, If you or a parent are interested in signing up for parent teacher interviews they can sign up at

Friday november 5th there will be no school, the budgeting assignment and the personal finance questions on page 53 in your textbook should be handed in by the end of this week.

Have a great day :) -Kandice

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